I don't think so. I don't think anything at all is wrong with my wrap, or what is going on is really related to it. But I'm sick, and I have to wonder...
9 days ago I had a bad pain day, needed to throw up, took 3 nausea pills, and just had to endure and wait for whatever-it-was to pass through. Now for about a week I've had a bellyache and often nausea - usually mild, sometimes severe enough to need an ondansetron tablet - every time I eat. Drinking doesn't bother me, but eating certainly does. And more than small portions causes pain at my wrap site. My gut reaction is that there is some kind of inflammation or something going on in my stomach, for some reason, and maybe it is just over-reacting to food as a result? I don't know though...
I do know that I still have a lot of stomach acid, and if I go without ranitidine for long the result is burning pain. So I stay on top of it. Unless the ranitidine isn't doing its job anymore, I've grown "immune" to it or whatever?
Also this week I have a lot of other things going on: a UTI. A respiratory infection. A toothache. Bloating/constipation. Aches, pains, intermittent fever, chills, achy joints. So I think my body is just sick. If it goes on too much longer I'll have to see my doctor I guess, although I just saw her last week, for now I'm doing all the right things and hoping my system can just fight it all off.
So it isn't just my stomach (although that's where all this seemed to start)...and it definitely isn't the wrap itself. But I have to wonder if I'd just been able to get rid of whatever was making me sick 9 days ago if maybe I'd have just been better - like maybe the toxins bad bacteria or whatever had to stay in my system too long when my body normally would have ejected them right away before they could make me sick in so many ways?
All speculation. But there's my update anyway, for whatever it's worth to you :).