Friday, October 30, 2020

10 Years and Counting!

In exactly 31 days I will celebrate my 10-year wrappiversary. So many things have changed about this procedure in the intervening years that I barely recognize what current wrappees go through. At any rate, I can only talk about my results in hindsight. And here they are:

First, my wrap is still operating just fine, by the grace of God! I was a poor risk for the surgery given my morbid obesity and poor health at the time. I was assured by many - MANY - that the procedure would fail with a short time. But it hasn't.

The horrific reflux, uncontrollable frequent episodes of projectile vomiting of both stomach contents and acid have never returned, and my other gastric issues have ALL been resolved and stayed that way since the surgery.

The extreme care I took during the year-long recovery phase was worth every sacrifice and difficulty, in hindsight. I'm 100% sure that, had I done differently, I wouldn't have had the amazing result.

All of that said, I will clarify that - as is typical - the wrap relaxes over time. And mine has. If I do stupid things I get mild heartburn, the same as anyone who does stupid things gets heartburn. I don't go to bed on a full stomach. I don't eat until I'm stuffed. I don't load up on junk fuel and expect to perform like I fueled up with the healthy foods. Which means that this wrap, over time, has made my digestive life normal.

Finally, here is what life is like with a 10-year-old wrap:
- I never think about it.
- Medical professionals are finally beginning to know what I'm talking about when I mention it.
- I still get what some folks on "the list" called "burny belly" (sp?) and take a calcium antacid to calm it. (But the acid is staying down where it belongs!)
- I can eat anything I choose to and don't have to manage any reflux issues by my diet...HOWEVER...
- If I eat certain foods I still get indigestion (though not reflux); these foods include sugary/starchy foods mostly.
- I can now burp and vomit, though the latter is more painful that it was pre-wrap. Several such episodes in the last decade haven't apparently affected by wrap in any negative way.
- I am still, and always will be, careful with heavy lifting and pushing which have been shown to cause wrap failure. There is nothing I want to move badly enough that I'd risk losing my wrap.
- Rice and pork, for some reason, still get stuck. And occasionally some other starchy foods as well (especially McDonalds french fries, which I probably have no business eating anyway) which I only eat in small amounts, only occasionally, and only with a hot beverage present.

All things considered, would I do it again should the need arise?

Absolutely. In a heartbeat.

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